18/02/2022 – Talk: “Preliminary Results: Surveying The Life-Cycle Of Domain-Specific Languages” By Holger Stadel Borum

Holger Stadel Borum will give a talk about his work on Surveying the Life-Cycle of Domain-Specific Languages. Details below.


Holger Stadel Borum, PhD fellow, ITU.


Preliminary Results: Surveying the Life-Cycle of Domain-Specific Languages


Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) can be used as a tool for improving software quality and programmer productivity.
There exist dedicated methods and tools for designing, implementing and evaluating DSLs exemplified by a wide range of DSLs.
However, there is little information on what happens to DSLs after they are initially developed and taken into use.
In this paper, we survey 32 DSLs used in industry to investigate what typically happens during the launch, main-usage, and sunset-period of a DSL’s life-cycle.
We find ???