Senior Members

Full Professor, Head of GrouP
Andrzej Wasowski
… is a professor of software engineering at IT University of Copenhagen, expert on software quality and reliability. He has experience with probabilistic modeling including formal semantics of programs, concurrency, model checking, model-driven engineering, variability-modeling, testing and software architecture. Prof. Wasowski has worked with quality of robotics software platforms and bug elimination in other open source projects. This interest is shifting towards safety and reliability of robotics and AI software in general.

Associate Professor
Willard Rafnsson
… is an Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU). His research is at the intersection of formal methods, programming languages, and security. His research focuses on proving that software preserves the confidentiality of data. He is building tools for this task, that scale to real programming languages and platforms.

Assistant Professor
Mahsa Varshosaz
… is an assistant professor in the SQuaRe group at IT University of Copenhagen. Mahsa’s research is mostly focused on quality assurance and safety of software systems. She is interested in both theoretical and practical aspects of modeling, testing and verification of systems and the challenges in application of such techniques in different domains. She has experience with application of model-based testing techniques for families of software systems also known as software product lines. Mahsa’s latest research includes testing of underwater robotic systems in the REMARO project and automatic program repair for the Linux kernel as a part of the INSIGHT project.

Assistant Professor
Raúl Pardo Jimenez
… is an Assistant Professor in the SQUARE group at the IT University of Copenhagen. His research is focused on developing rigorous techniques to design, analyze and build software to protect online privacy. His interests lie at the intersection of formal methods, online privacy and computer security. He has done research on privacy for social networks, Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics. Within these topics, he is working on privacy risk analysis, formal verification of privacy legal requirements, probabilistic programming, and Bayesian data analysis.
PhD Students

PhD Student
Laura Weihl
… is a PhD Student at the SQUARE group since May 2021. Her background is in Maths, Computer Science and Machine Learning. She has worked on Facial Recognition using Neural Networks, more recently she has been interested in Risk Analysis in Iris recognition systems. Right now she is working on fusing Property-based Testing with Probabilistic Programming. If you don’t find her coding she is playing piano or singing in a choir.

PhD Student
Mahya Mohammadi Kashani
… is a PhD student on the project Reliable AI for Marine Robotics (REMARO) at the SQUARE group. Her main research interests are concentrated in the area of machine vision and pattern recognition. She has become interested in the assessment of plan selection of the robots and probabilistic decision making, recently. Before joining SQUARE group, she worked for one year as a computer vision engineer. There she was programming and developing vision of waste segregation robots. Before that she has acquired her M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering with a major in AI and Robotics. Alongside AI & coding, she really cares about environmental issues and climate change.

PhD Student
Sergio Daniel Quijano
… is a PhD student on the project Reliable AI for Marine Robotics (REMARO). His research interests are (Model-Based) Systems and Software Engineering, Safety Engineering, Self-Adaptive and Multi-agent Cyber-Physical Systems. In his PhD project, Sergio investigates methods for Model-Based testing of probabilistic properties to support safety assessments for underwater robots.

PhD Student
Mohsen Ghaffari
… is a PhD student at the SQUARE group since November 2021. His research interests are Reinforcement Learning, Multi-agent systems, Smart Grids, and Game Theory. Mohsen has worked on Demand Management in Smart Grids using Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning, Shortest Path on Uncertain Networks, HMM-based Detecting and Predicting, and Police Patrolling. Recently he has been interested in the safety and explainability of Reinforcement Learning. Right now, he is working on symbolic Reinforcement Learning.

PhD Student
Luiza Ribeiro Marnet
… is a PhD student on the Reliable AI for Marine Robotics (REMARO) project at the SQUARE group. Luiza’s master degree was in Artificial Inteligence and had a focus on the usage of neural networks to analyze acoustic emission parameters to identify the propagation phase of pipeline cracks. In the REMARO project, Luiza works with deep learning models for classification and segmentation of underwater images. More specifically, Luiza is studying the use of predictive uncertainty for more efficient image selection with active learning, identification of shifts in data patterns and identification of predictions with large-error probability.
Group Pictures
Former Members
Name | Moved to |
Adrian Hoff | IAV Automotive Engineering, Inc. |
Alfredo Cruz | – |
Christoph Seidl | – |
Holger Stadel Borum | Festina Finance ApS, Denmark |
Rasmus Carl Rønneberg | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Zhoulai Fu | State University of New York, Korea |
Morten Tychsen Clausen | IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
Sandra Greiner | Universität Bayreuth, Germany |
Michael Nieke | Volkswagen AG, Germany |
Mathias Oliver Valdbjørn | ATP Koncernen, Hillerød, Denmark |
Francisco Martínez | PhD student at Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), Spain |
Adam Alami | Assistant Professor at Aalborg University |
Claus Brabrand | Head of Center for Computing Education Research at IT University |
Alina Preda | M.Sc. Student |
Anders Fischer | Anders Firscher-Nielsen & Pleo |
Ahmad Salim Al-Sibahi | BilagScan and University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
Stefan Stanciulescu | Post Doc at UC Davis |
Aleksandar Dimovski | Mother Teresa University, Skopje, Macedonia |
Jean Melo | ConfigIT, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Alexandru Florin Iosif-Lazar | ConfigIT, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Iago Abal | Prover Technology, Stockholm, Sweden |
Raghava Rao Mukkamala | Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Christian Nøhr Rasmussen | M.Sc. Student, graduated June 2018 |
Louis-Marie Traonouez | INRIA Rennes |
Kenneth Ry Ulrik | M.Sc. Student, graduated June 2018 |
Tawhid Waez | Visitor from Queens University, now at Ford research |
Fabrizio Biondi | CentraleSupelec & Inria/IRISA Rennes |
Rolf-Helge Pfeiffer | IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Troels Selch Sørensen | M.Sc. Student |
Florian Biermann | Simcorp |
Davide Laezza | Jabra |
Alexander Asp Bock | Ph.D. Student |