Helge Pfeiffer will give a talk about his work on the impact of continuous code quality assessment on defects. Details below. SPEAKER Helge Pfeiffer, Assit. Prof., ITU. TITLE The Impact of[…]
Adrian Hoff will give a talk about his work on immersive software archaeology. Details below. SPEAKER Adrian Hoff, PhD fellow, ITU. TITLE Towards Immersive Software Archaeology ABSTRACT Many of today’s software[…]
Holger Stadel Borum will give a talk about his work on co-designing DSL quality assurance measures with non-programming experts. Details below. SPEAKER Holger Stadel Borum, PhD fellow, ITU. TITLE Co-designing DSL[…]
Holger Stadel Borum will give a talk about his work on designing applied DSLs for non-programming experts in evolving domains. Details below. SPEAKER Holger Stadel Borum, PhD fellow, ITU. TITLE On[…]
Raúl Pardo will give a (dry-run) talk about his work on using probabilistic programming for quantifying leakage in privacy risk analysis. Paper to appear at ESORICS 2021. Details below. SPEAKER Raúl[…]
Sandra Greiner will give a talk about her PhD thesis work on extending single- to multi-Variant model transformations. Details below. SPEAKER Sandra Greiner, PhD student, University of Bayreuth. (Visiting PhD student[…]
Mathias Oliver Valdbjørn Jørgensen will give a talk about his MSc thesis work on automatic attacker generation for probabilistic privacy risk analysis. Details below. SPEAKER Mathias Oliver Valdbjørn Jørgensen, MSc student,[…]
Michael Nieke, new postdoc in SQUARE, will give a talk about his work on consistent feature-Model driven software product line evolution. Details below. SPEAKER Michael Nieke, Postdoctoral Researcher, ITU. TITLE Consistent[…]
Leonel Merino, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Stuttgart, will give a talk about his work on new interfaces for software engineering: visualization and virtual and augmented reality. SPEAKER Leonel Merino,[…]
Ting Su, Professor in Software Engineering Institute (East China Normal University), will give a talk about his work on mobile app fuzzing. Details below. SPEAKER Ting Su, Professor in Software Engineering[…]